Dr. Stephen Joseph Dental

We care about you - and your smile!

When selecting a dental office - your focus should be on getting the best possible service at a reasonable cost. Let Dr. Joseph and his staff show you what that looks like.

How can we help you today?


* We are currently accepting new patients! *
We are glad you found our website! Hopefully this is just your first stop on your way to meet us in person. We look forward to meeting all your dental needs!

New Patient Form

Why Choose Us?

We bring:
  • Over 30 years of experience.
  • Continuing Education
  • The latest equipment and methods
  • Easy scheduling
Let us show you how much we care!

Our services include:

Oral Exams and XRays

Cleaning (Dental Hygiene)

Crowns and Bridges

Complete and Partial Dentures

Amalgam and Composite Fillings

Cosmetic Dentistry